Refund terms

Pre Order Statue Refund Instructions

· After the Pre Order statue deposit is paid, there is a 24-hour cooling off period during which the order can be cancelled and the deposit can be refunded.

· After 24 hours, the Pre Order statue deposit will not be refunded for any reason, as we will submit an order to the studio and pay the deposit after 24 hours.


◈IN Stock Statue Refund Instructions

· Before shipping the IN Stock statue, there is a 24-hour cooling off period after paying the full amount or installment payment. During this period, the order can be cancelled and refunded to pay the fee. After 24 hours, if the buyer refunds for any reason, 30% of the statue amount will be deducted as a penalty for breach of contract.

· After the IN Stock statue is shipped, buyers are not allowed to refund or return it in any form or for any reason.

If the buyer does not contact us to confirm or cancel the order within 24 hours after successful payment, it will be assumed that the buyer accepts the terms and conditions.